
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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E-Mobility Works – Brochure

Discover more about the E-Mobility Works project in the brochure.

FEDARENE response to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Consultation

This response is based on consultation with FEDARENE members.

COOPENERGY – Multi-Level Governance Guidebook

This guide aims to help you work collaboratively on sustainable energy policies, plans and strategies in your region, by developing a ‘Multi-level Governance’ (MLG) approach.

Policy Recommendations on Innovative Financing Schemes in Local and Regional Energy Efficiency Policies

Members of FEDARENE – European regions, supported with their regional and local energy agencies give policy recommendations to European Commission.

Brochure on Innovative Financing Schemes in Local and Regional Energy Efficiency Policies

Innovative financing schemes might offer solutions to overcome some of these barriers, their implementation finds itself hindered by obstacles. The report aims to contribute to efforts to comprehend these issues is crucial to developing and strengthening innovative and best practice methods that promote sustainable and cost-effective financing options.


The leaflet explains how DATA4ACTION works and how you and your organisation can contribute.

DATA4ACTION Newsletter #1

Read the first newsletter of DATA4ACTION to find out about the project and special editions for your country.

Guide for the implementation of an energy management system based on ISO-50001 in industry

The Ministry of Economy and Employment, through the Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León, has prepared this guide with the spirit of awakening the interest necessary for the implementation of the Energy Management System in our companies and organizations, thereby promoting energy efficiency in organizations, energy savings and the reduction of gas emissions that cause climate change.

COOPENERGY Newsletter #3

Read the third COOPENERGY project newsletter where you can find out about the latest project news to help you plan for sustainable energy with local authorities in your region.