Multi-level governance on sustainable energy planning : 60 best practices from COOPENERGY

60 best practices on how regional authorities are collaborating with other governance level to implement their sustainable energy transition.

With public authorities increasingly delivering ‘more with less’, we aim to save time and money by working more effectively together on sustainable energy planning, to maximise the benefits a joint
approach can achieve.
Through the COOPENERGY project we have sought best practice on how regional councils (including county councils) across Europe are already collaborating successfully with their local authority partners, in order to deliver their sustainable energy plans and initiatives.
Throughout the summer 2013 we contacted around 250 public authorities in all EU28 member states and 115 regional energy agencies to obtain the best examples and models of collaboration from across Europe.
As a result over 150 good practices were submitted to us, and we have selected 60 of the ‘best’ to showcase as case studies through the COOPENERGY website and in this downloadable report.

This database of case studies aims to provide ideas on how you could collaborate more effectively with your local authority partners on sustainable energy planning. Each best practice case study includes information on:

  • How public authorities have set up partnerships to deliver energy initiatives successfully
  • What joint-mechanisms have worked to secure financing
  • The key results achieved through these initiatives and their success factors
  • How these initiatives can be transferred or ‘replicated’ to another area