International platform for the support of energy communities

Renewable energy communities play a crucial role in enabling citizens to actively contribute to and advocate for the ongoing energy transition. Discover more about this best practice in Germany!

International platform for the support of energy communities

Given the current situation, the successful involvement of citizens becomes an essential element in securing a sustainable energy supply and reaching European and national targets for renewable energy shares.

However, the comprehensive requirements for the establishment and implementation of community energy cooperatives pose challenges, demanding extensive expertise. This ultimately translates into different starting conditions for getting involved. On the one hand, those who possess the knowledge and resources to actively participate in a citizens’ energy community, and on the other, those who neither have the resources, know-how, nor the time to take advantage of new opportunities.

Recognising this disparity, it is essential to support citizens who are interested in setting up or expanding energy communities and to enable them to benefit from existing experiences.

B.&S.U. – Beratungs- und Service-Gesellschaft Umwelt, along with nine partners from six European countries, is part of the EU-funded project SHAREs under the HORIZON 2020 programme.

The SHAREs project focuses on supporting local actors in the establishment and expansion of energy communities, with a specific emphasis on reaching target groups that previously had little access to the topic of citizen energy. Each partner country has a gateway in its respective national language which is available as a central contact point. Gateways where all information, templates, and tools required for the establishment or expansion of energy communities, are available.

The content of the gateways was developed in cooperation with municipalities, stakeholders and pilot energy communities and is constantly updated.

Municipalities and regions interested in promoting citizen energy communities can leverage the comprehensive information provided by SHAREs. This resource serves as a starting point for informing and activating citizens and supporting existing initiatives.

SHAREs enables widespread dissemination of the necessary knowledge, regardless of their background or previous experience, making it accessible to all interested parties. This approach facilitates broad mobilisation at the municipal and regional levels, fostering the establishment of energy communities and ensuring that the benefits of the energy transition are accessible to all citizens.

This best practice is extracted from our publication ‘Sustainable Regions in Action‘. Discover more best practices here!