Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.
Illustration : © AGENEX
The Danish biogas sector was an unknown area for the Danish educational institutions. To draw attention to the challenges in education for the biogas industry, a number of different educational institutions were contacted individually by DFFB to identify opportunities for training.
Read more >>Due to the growing biogas industry in Denmark, the prices of biomass other than manure and deep litter is increasing. This has forced some biogas plants to look into new ways of getting biomasses.
Read more >>In October 2011, the regional network Biogas southeast initiated, as part of the Biomethane Regions project, the work with a common strategy and action plan for biomethane to try to advance the implementation in the southeast region of Sweden.
Read more >>In Sweden, a major part of the biomethane produced is used as vehicle fuel. Since the Biogas Action project started in January 2016, six new refuelling stations and three bus depots have been built in our three counties Blekinge, Kalmar and Kronoberg.
Read more >>Biogas Sydost is a regional network consisting of private as well as public key actors and stakeholders from the entire biomethane value chain. The task is to improve the conditions for biomethane production in the southeast part of Sweden.
Read more >>Swedish Kalmar County carries great potential for the production of liquid biomethane to be used for heavy vehicles and maritime transport instead of fossil fuels.
Read more >>Kalmar County in Southeast Sweden has the target to become a fossil fuel free county by 2030. All transports paid by public means shall be fossil fuel free in 2020. There are very good preconditions to produce biogas especially from manure.
Read more >>The aim of this case study was to provide recommendations for increasing gas availability to the LFG engine at Penhesgyn Waste Site – thus extending its life and giving a sustainable future for potential new enterprises that might take advantage of it.
Read more >>In cooperation with Tipperary Energy Agency and EU project partners, Tipperary County Council launched the smart LED lighting pilot initiative which will be one of the largest installations of smart lights of any county council in Ireland.
Read more >>AURA-EE, as regional energy agency maintains relationships with local suppliers/companies, local authorities, institutions and project owners in the region. AURA-EE organizes advisory committees twice a year, to allow stakeholders to meet other companies, administrations, project owners etc.
Read more >>RAEE (now AURA-EE) led a project to promote regional operators’ activity in the field of biogas, introducing the “Biogaz Gener’action” logo.
Read more >>Most farmers are thinking about building a biomethane refueling station as part of their biogas plant. This guide highlights the feasibility and shows a possible strategy for farmers who want to become suppliers of CNG for citizens and local authorities.