Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.
Illustration : © AGENEX
6 primary schools over Cyprushave been undergoing free Energy Audits supported by the Cyprus Energy Agency which include interventions for energy and CO2 emissions savings in different levels, up to the nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) level.
Read more >>The project ‘Energy and Climate Protection in Kindergartens’, run by BEA, is aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 6, preschool teachers and the technical staff of Berlin’s 2,200 kindergartens, Germany.
Read more >>A preliminary study for the charging infrastructure of the Jämtland Härjedalen region, Sweden, was requested to prepare for a project focusing on the expansion of rapid-charge stations and standard charging at organisations and companies.
Read more >>The Civitas DESTINATIONS project aims to promote sustainable mobility in six island destinations: Madeira, Gran Canaria, Elba, Crete, Malta and Cyprus.
Read more >>In the Örebro Region, Sweden, there is a common network to increase sustainable travel in the region which has created a toolbox for sustainable travel advice.
Read more >>In the frame of the EnerSHIFT H2020 project, investments of €5 million have been stimulated from European Structural Funds for the energy retrofitting of social housing buildings in the Italian region of Liguria.
Read more >>The Andalusian Electrical Mobility Roadmap 2020 is a package of measures which aims to promote electric mobility in Andalusia, Spain.
Read more >>The Energy and Climate department of IAU has launched a project dealing with the support to local authorities for the definition and the implementation of public buildings renovation strategies in Ile de France, France.
Read more >>The project MOVELETUR, the Sustainable Tourism and Electric Mobility in Natural Spaces is a cross-border partnership between Portuguese and Spanish institutions covering the Ávila province of Castilla y Leòn region in Spain.
Read more >>The operation of energy self-sufficient street lamps, established by KSSENA in Savinjska, Šaleška and Carinthia, Slovenia has become, by 2017, economically viable and has been installed in many Municipalities across Europe.
Read more >>Todolella, a small town in the Valencia region, Spain, has become a symbol of sustainable town thanks to a District Heating network with biomass that supplies heating and hot water (DHW) to several public and private buildings.
Read more >>The Danish Technology Centre for Biogas (DFFB) and the Energy Consulting Network (EC network) support the development of the Danish biogas sector via different types of interventions.