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Energy Communities: Citizens’ Action for Cleaner Energy

Energy Communities: Citizens’ Action for Cleaner Energy

Vlasta Krmelj, FEDARENE Vice-President for Financing and Investment, discusses the opportunity and challenges of energy communities, the best workforce of a sustainable energy transition.

Supporting small, medium-sized and large enterprises in the race to net zero

Supporting small, medium-sized and large enterprises in the race to net zero

The Covenant of Companies is launching its first call for technical assistance. Energy agencies, regions and consultancy companies are eligibile to receive direct and tailored support on their energy and climate transition.

3CEA gains Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer status

3CEA gains Engineers Ireland CPD Accredited Employer status

The 3 Counties Energy Agency is celebrating after gaining Engineers Ireland accreditation for its commitment to the continuous professional development (CPD) of its 23-strong staff which includes Engineers, Technicians, Marketing and Administrative employees.

Regions and Energy Agencies are ready to implement the REPowerEU

Regions and Energy Agencies are ready to implement the REPowerEU

The Regions, Energy Agencies and Islands of FEDARENE show their commitment to implement the REPowerEU package with Climate Neutrality as their end goal.

Full potential of green hydrogen technologies presented during Green Hysland workshop in Cres (HR)

Full potential of green hydrogen technologies presented during Green Hysland workshop in Cres (HR)

On the 26th of April 2022, Green Hysland hosted its first workshop on the island of Cres to exchange with Croatian and European stakeholders on green hydrogen technologies and its potential to accelerate the energy transition.

We need new Mobility Behaviour and Planning

We need new Mobility Behaviour and Planning

Christel LILJEGREN, FEDARENE Vice-President for Mobility and Transport and CEO of the Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden discusses the role of the urgency, complexity and necessity to start efficient Ecomobility.

10 case studies to support Energy Efficiency Narratives

10 case studies to support Energy Efficiency Narratives

The Energy Efficiency Watch EU project publishes ten exemplary case studies to inform EU policy makers on how to complement policy instruments by successful narratives.

Facilitating and Supporting Renewable Energy Sources

Facilitating and Supporting Renewable Energy Sources

Ricardo Gonzalez Mantero, FEDARENE Vice-President for Renewable Energy Sources, discusses the essential role of energy agencies and regions in facilitating and supporting renewable energy sources with a real example featuring the installation of 6.300 MW of wind power in the region of Castilla y León by EREN.

9th European Urban Resilience Forum!

9th European Urban Resilience Forum!

The 2022 edition of the European Urban Resilience Forum will take place on 14 and 15 September in Athens, Greece.

The Cities Energy Saving Sprint

The Cities Energy Saving Sprint

Act now to ensure access to secure, sustainable and affordable energy for all!