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GET READY FOR 2050: the upcoming event series you don’t want to miss

GET READY FOR 2050: the upcoming event series you don’t want to miss

Organised between 20 May and 1st June, the online series aims to support municipalities and regions in developing, implementing and financing Climate and Energy Plans.

European cities and regions act for a fairer, climate-neutral Europe

European cities and regions act for a fairer, climate-neutral Europe

On April 21, the Covenant of Mayors launched its 2050 vision for a climate neutral Europe, inviting all local, regional authorities and energy agencies in joining the movement!

PPP to promote renovation in Basque neighbourhoods

PPP to promote renovation in Basque neighbourhoods

The Department of Territorial Planning and Fundación Repsol will promote the eco-sustainable rehabilitation of buildings and neighbourhood regeneration throughout the Basque Country.

Call for technical assistance for EU Islands

Call for technical assistance for EU Islands

The Clean energy for EU islands Secretariat is launching a first Call for Support for EU islands to apply for technical support for their projects. The deadline is the 4th of May 2021.

An innovative solar system to be installed in Spain

An innovative solar system to be installed in Spain

The solar collectors from Inaventa Solar will deliver energy for heating and domestic hot water to a building complex owned by the Basque Government, in one of the demonstration sites of the project RELaTED.

A brand new “Urban Future” is coming up!

A brand new “Urban Future” is coming up!

Instead of the scheduled Conference in Rotterdam, Urban Future is moving online, inspiring CityChangers 24/7. The live Conference will be back in 2022!

Opengela as a reference for urban regeneration in the Basque Country

Opengela as a reference for urban regeneration in the Basque Country

Opengela passes the halfway mark as a reference for urban regeneration in the Basque Country!

SMART-SPACE: Smart lightning system for North-Western European cities

SMART-SPACE: Smart lightning system for North-Western European cities

The SMART SPACE project promotes the uptake of smart lighting in small/mid size municipalities. Learn more about the outcome of the project during their webinar series.

European City Facility – Results of the First Call for Applications

European City Facility – Results of the First Call for Applications

Find out who are the beneficiaries of the First EUCF Call!

All you shall know about the 2nd EUCF Call!

All you shall know about the 2nd EUCF Call!

The Second Call of the European Facility is open. Read the Call document and apply before the 31st May 2021.