Smart EPC / Newsletter

Smart EPC enables the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities.


Read our first edition here!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101031639.

Disclaimer: The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union nor of the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the CINEA nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

In the news

More efficient public lighting in Karlovac, Croatia, thanks to Smart Energy Performance Contracting

In September 2023, the city of Karlovac has signed its Energy Performance Contract (EPC) for the refurbishment of the public lighting. The scope of the contract is the refurbishment of overall public lighting, consisting of 9.083 luminaires and the displacement of 152 public lighting cabinets that are placed inside the DSO transformer station.

Smart EPC developed standardised contract and tender documentation for public lighting

When incorporating additional energy and non-energy related services into the Smart EPC approach, the complexity of standard EPC projects is further highlighted. These projects involve the realisation of various types of investments under a single contract, posing challenges in accounting, financing, and legal aspects.  

Poland issues national guidelines for EPC contracts: a step towards enhanced energy efficiency

This move is a part of Poland’s strategic energy policy, aiming for a more sustainable and efficient energy use across the country, and reinforcing the nation’s commitment to energy efficiency and climate goals.

Public lighting models and management in France

The energy consumption of public lighting in France is the second energy expense item for municipalities (after buildings), representing 20% of the energy bill of […]

The evolution of public lighting, from torches to smart services 

Public lighting has undergone a remarkable transformation over the centuries - and Europe has played a significant role in driving many of the most important advances in this field. 

Barriers towards smarter and more efficient energy systems

During the "Smart Energy Services" event, Smart EPC met top research organisations and industry partners to present the new cutting-edge smart energy services. The panellists share with us the barriers experienced in their work - and what they consider to be the key to breaking these barriers and fostering confidence in innovative energy solutions.

Best Practices

The latest smart city solutions: get inspired by DOLL Living Lab in Copenhagen

The latest smart city solutions: get inspired by DOLL Living Lab in Copenhagen

Dive into the forefront of smart city solutions with Smart EPC's latest feature on DOLL Living Lab in Copenhagen. Explore how the Smart EPC consortium is revolutionizing Energy Performance Contracting and public lighting in Europe's leading hub for urban innovation.
Towards Smart EPC in Rivas Vaciamadrid 

Towards Smart EPC in Rivas Vaciamadrid 

In Rivas Vaciamadrid, the Smart EPC project provides assistance to several services. The UVAX system integrates in one platform all streetlight management, control, regulation, and all Smart solutions using the electric power network.
Innovative solution for vehicle charging stations in the city of Kraków

Innovative solution for vehicle charging stations in the city of Kraków

As part of the Smart EPC project, the city of Kraków is testing the use of LED street lanterns for vehicle charging. To understand the interest of residents, the Roads Authority prepared a field test and appealed for help in mapping out the location of the EV chargers.