
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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FEDARENE Manifesto

In celebration of Europe Day and ahead of the European Elections, the regions, energy agencies and islands of FEDARENE declare once again their clear and immovable commitment to support the European Union in its climate action and energy transition.

The RELaTED concept for Ultra-low temperature district heating

RELaTED will define ultra-low temperature district heating systems as: district heating systems that supply heating to the customers at a temperature level where production of domestic hot water requires a supplementary heat source to deliver satisfactory domestic hot water temperatures.

Read the 2nd Newsletter of the RELaTED Project

This second newsletter of RELaTED provides an insight to the progress of our concept for the de-carbonisation of District Heating (DH) networks.

PUBLENEF Policy Brief n°3 – Focus on Monitoring and Verification

PUBLENEF has carried out a comprehensive analysis of good cases and needs for energy efficiency policy implementation and also launched a series of roadmaps in several countries engaging national, regional, and local public bodies and relevant market stakeholders. With examples of the actions taken by project partners in Croatia and Italy this policy brief answers the question what is the role of the monitoring and verification tools in improving of local, regional, and national energy efficiency policies.

PEGASUS Newsletter #4 is out!

In the PEGASUS project, 10 partners from MED countries are working together to study microgrids in greater detail, focusing on 7 rural and island areas. […]

Biogas: Renewable Energy for your Region!

This publication draws up an overview of the activities developed during the BiogasAction project. It shows positive examples and recommendations to steer the promotion of biogas in the EU, focusing on regional pre-conditions and approaches.

The fourth BiogasAction newsletter is out!

Read the fourth and last newsletter of BigoasAction to learn more about the achievements of the project, as it’s reaching its final stage.

Energy Price Assessment: an insight to energy costs in the context of District Heating

District heating (DH) systems are one of the most energy efficient heating systems in urban environments and they are also key systems in the de-carbonization of heating energy in European Cities. 

Produce biomethane and know how to valorize it in BioGNV on its territory

This guide provides insight as well as legal and contractual tools to enable communities to produce biomethane and promote its consumption locally.

PUBLENEF Policy Brief n°2 – Focus on the Scale-Up of Energy Efficiency Projects

In this policy brief, energy efficiency experts share their insight on the conditions and main drivers to consider when attempting to up-scale energy efficiency projects. The roadmap leaders from Ireland (Tipperary Energy Agency) and Austria (OÖ Energiesparverband) explain how they managed to unlock sustainable energy investments at the local and regional levels by up-scaling small projects into larger programmes supporting energy efficiency investments.