
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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The leaflet explains how DATA4ACTION works and how you and your organisation can contribute.

DATA4ACTION Newsletter #1

Read the first newsletter of DATA4ACTION to find out about the project and special editions for your country.

Guide for the implementation of an energy management system based on ISO-50001 in industry

The Ministry of Economy and Employment, through the Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León, has prepared this guide with the spirit of awakening the interest necessary for the implementation of the Energy Management System in our companies and organizations, thereby promoting energy efficiency in organizations, energy savings and the reduction of gas emissions that cause climate change.

COOPENERGY Newsletter #3

Read the third COOPENERGY project newsletter where you can find out about the latest project news to help you plan for sustainable energy with local authorities in your region.

Energy Efficiency Watch – 28 country reports

Through an EU-wide survey with efficiency experts from all Member States, intense document screenings and a business stakeholder consultation, 28 country reports have been developed.

FAQs: Energy Performance Contracting for Streetlight Refurbishment

Find the answers to the frequently-asked-questions about the Energy Performance Contracting for street lighting refurbishments.

Guide: Energy Performance Contracting for Streetlight Refurbishment

C” is creating demand and supply of street lighting EPC projects in 9 European regions (Upper Austria, Carlow & Kilkenny County, North-West Croatia, South Bohemia, Pomerania, South-East Sweden, Podravje, Macedonia, North/Central Spain) by setting up regional EPC facilitation services (helpdesk) which are providing one-to-one support to both municipalities and SMEs as potential ESCOs.

Checklist: Energy Performance Contracting for Streetlight Refurbishment

The project “Streetlight-EPC” is creating demand and supply of street lighting EPC projects in 9 European regions (Upper Austria, Carlow & Kilkenny County, North-West Croatia, South Bohemia, Pomerania, South-East Sweden, Podravje, Macedonia, North/Central Spain) by setting up regional EPC facilitation services (helpdesk) which are providing one-to-one support to both municipalities and SMEs as potential ESCOs.

FEDARENE Info 41 – Focus on European Energy Security

The winter edition of FEDARENE Info is here. With a focus on energy security of Europe, you will read about what regions and energy agencies can do to address the energy security challenge and how this problem affects the European economy and foreign relations.

CESBA Policy Paper: Towards a Common Sustainable Building Assessment in Europe

CESBA, Common European Sustainable Building Assessment, is a common initiative towards promoting the harmonisation of sustainable building assessments for public buildings throughout Europe. The inducement of CESBA is the perception of the variety of sustainable building certification systems in European regions and the need to find a common framework for building assessments.