
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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Manifesto: Local staff to future-proof municipalities

FEDARENE joins EU networks of municipalities in a campaign proposing measures to the EU Member States and the European Commission to give cities the staffing means of their climate ambitions.

Green Hysland – Brief n°3

Green Hysland’s third newsletter is here! Discover the latest updates of the last 6 months of operation, including the inauguration of the first green hydrogen plant in Spain, established in Mallorca in the framework of the project.

10 case studies to support energy efficiency narratives

The Energy Efficiency Watch EU project publishes ten exemplary case studies to inform EU policy makers on how to complement policy instruments by successful narratives.

Regions and Energy Agencies Repowering Europe

The REPowerEU package is based on the realisation that EU’s resilience and leadership requires an energy transformation. The members of FEDARENE are driving this transformation and are ready to accelerate towards Climate Neutrality.

Transition schemes for District Heating in operation

RELaTED developed a set of guidelines on how the low temperature concepts can be applied for operational high temperature district heating networks.

Multi-level governance on sustainable energy planning : 60 best practices from COOPENERGY

60 best practices on how regional authorities are collaborating with other governance level to implement their sustainable energy transition.

Opengela | Newsletter April 2022

Check out the 2nd Newsletter of the OPENGELA project!

Regional feasibility studies of new DH in Basque Country and Mazovia Region

Regional feasibility studies of new DH in consolidated urban environments, technical, financial, and administrative roadmaps

To RePowerEU: RePurpose Public action, ReDirect EU Funds and ReOrganise governance

Read the Covenant of Mayors – Europe’ proposals to get Europe on a firm ground towards peace and climate neutrality.

Covenant of Mayors’ Activity Annual Report 2021 out now!

Check out the latest Covenant of Mayors Europe report.