Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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A natural platform for the future of solar energy systems Mälardalen Energy Agency

A natural platform for the future of solar energy systems Mälardalen Energy Agency

Read about the Swedish Solar Expo, which sees a steadily increasing number of visitors and exhibitors each year. In October of 2019, the exhibition was organized for the sixth consecutive year, with a record-breaking number of attendants.

Support to the implementation of the new regional energy and climate strategy

Support to the implementation of the new regional energy and climate strategy

In 2019, the Île-de-France region set new climate and energy goals which included the region to have 100% of its energy consumption covered by renewable energy sources by 2050. Find out what measures they are applying to achieve this!

Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme

Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme

Find out about the Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme by the Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) aims to move homeowners away from fossil fuel heating systems and replace with a heatpump.

Integral Renovation of Provincial Street lighting Project

Integral Renovation of Provincial Street lighting Project

Interested in street lighting renovation? Find out how SODEBUR changed the street lighting into a LED system in 179 municipalities to reduce energy consumption and saved a total of 2M euros in the first year!

Comprehensive Energy Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Medjimurje County

Comprehensive Energy Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Medjimurje County

Find out how MENEA is coordinating projects of comprehensive energy refurbishment of public buildings in Medjimurje County with a budget co-financed by European Reginal Development Fund (ERDF) and the national fund of Croatia.

The TIPPING Wheel – boosting innovation strategies for islands

The TIPPING Wheel – boosting innovation strategies for islands

Find out how the Fryslan Province has been working with the TIPPING approach and wheel, which have been designed to be used as a tool for improving innovation policy or governance.

Collaboration between stakeholders can boost energy efficiency in buildings

Collaboration between stakeholders can boost energy efficiency in buildings

Find a new way to achieve energy efficiency in buildings by gathering different stakeholders in collaboration groups that has been tested in northern Sweden with very positive results!

Maribor improves Energy Efficiency through Public Buildings Refurbishment

Maribor improves Energy Efficiency through Public Buildings Refurbishment

Find out how ENERGAP is working with the City of Maribor to reduce energy consumption. 

SPEEDIER – SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and implementation of EneRgy Audits

SPEEDIER – SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and implementation of EneRgy Audits

Find out about SPEEDIER, a European project which aims to address the barriers faced by Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that prevent them from undertaking energy audits and implementing the recommended energy-saving measures.

3 Counties Energy Agency Powering the Energy Transition in the South East of Ireland

3 Counties Energy Agency Powering the Energy Transition in the South East of Ireland

Earlier this year, 3CEA launched its Regional Energy Transition Strategy to 2030 – a strategy that helps map the path they are going to have to follow together.

Local Energy Plans for the municipalities in the Prahova County

Local Energy Plans for the municipalities in the Prahova County

Find out how the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Agency «AE3R Ploiesti-Prahova» has contributed and also elaborated Local Energy Action Plans for some of the public authorities in the Prahova County.

Crete Regional Development Fund: Insular multi-level governance for clean energy transition

Crete Regional Development Fund: Insular multi-level governance for clean energy transition

Find out how the Island of Crete is planning their clean energy transition involving regional multi-level governance in the biggest island among the 26 pilot ones chosen in 2019 by the secretariat for Clean Energy for EU islands.