Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.
Illustration : © AGENEX
Read how Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden has been working to spread the concept of municipal co-distribution of goods since 2013, reducing CO2 emissions and congestion in city centres, and increasing the competition and the local market opportunities.
Read more >>Find out how the Central Finland Regional Council is helping small municipalities to set more ambitious climate change mitigation goals and strengthen their cooperation with regional climate change mitigation work.
Read more >>Read how the Valladolid Municipal Energy Agency has renovated the diesel fuel boilers of 21 school buildings to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.
Read more >>Find out how, through the LIFE BE REEL project, Wallonia involves local actors and citizens in the implementation of its regional renovation strategy.
Read more >>Discover how REGEA is connecting investors and owners of buildings with suitable rooftops through their innovative digital investment platform to promote solar energy and sustainable practices!
Read more >>Learn about the International Clean Energy Challenge organised by OÖ Energiesparverband, that brings together young professionals and partner companies for a cutting-edge event of collaborative innovation.
Read more >>The region of Upper Austria and its energy agency, OÖ Energiesparverband (ESV) works to get rid of oil heating to replace it by affordable and highly efficient renewable resources with their campaign AdieuÖI.
Read more >>A gap in training provision for small scale AD plant owners was identified. As a result of this, a decision was made to look at options for developing short and concise training modules available on DVD and Youtube.
Read more >>Ynni Anafon has installed a 240kW hydro system on the Anafon river. This has been a tremendous success but unable to facilitate one of the highest wishes of the Abergwyngregyn village – cheaper electricity. Ynni Anafon sought advice from experts and is considering biogas.
Read more >>SWEA visited Bwlchwernen Fawr farm to give some advice on the feasibility of utilising one, or both, of the slurry stores to extract biogas for use in a boiler to provide heat for the creamery and milking parlour.
Read more >>This initiative was targeted at the process of persuasion that there was a useful role for AD bringing together representatives of the various UK governmental departments with other stakeholders– including regulators, academics, AD trade bodies, farming bodies and plant designers and manufacturers.
Read more >>The Danish Biogas sector is a self-taught business, hence qualified and educated workforce is in short supply. In 2015, DFFB was put in place to form a competence centre and to make sure that the business had access to educated workforce.