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Study tours to three islands

Study tours to three islands

Three unique study tours to different islands around Europe present the opportunity to develop professional knowledge and networks.

Tipperary energy agency, Technological University of the Shannon, and Tipperary county council meet to support Climate Leaders

Tipperary energy agency, Technological University of the Shannon, and Tipperary county council meet to support Climate Leaders

The Remarkable Climate Leaders talk with Dr Darren Barry, Senior Project Officer in Climate Adaptation from Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands and Midwest, about climate leadership in Ireland.

Energy agencies as pioneers of the energy transition

Energy agencies as pioneers of the energy transition

Our members from Slovenia and Croatia met once again, this week in Zagreb. At a time of great uncertainty, the agencies convened to define what more they can do in the field of cooperation with REPowerEU, and to discuss the possibility of joint projects and policies between Slovenia and Croatia.

Opengela at the Committee of the Regions for its final conference

Opengela at the Committee of the Regions for its final conference

In 3,5 years, Opengela has set offices in Otxarkoaga (Bilbao) and Txonta (Eibar). They helped nearly 800 people in the refurbishment of their buildings. Discover the other results of Opengela in the presentations during the final event.

How energy performance certificates support the deep renovation

How energy performance certificates support the deep renovation

QualDeEPC has had its final conference on how Energy Performance Certification can support the deep renovation. Read more about the conclusions in this article.

The new website of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe has arrived!

The new website of the Covenant of Mayors – Europe has arrived!

The Covenant of Mayors – Europe initiative will now be featured on the European Commission website! Check it out to find all the useful information including on signatories, coordinators, and supporters.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: understanding and adapting to climate change

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: understanding and adapting to climate change

The region overlooking the French Alps is no stranger to the effects of climate change. But how is the regional energy and environment agency helping the public to prepare and adapt? Keep reading to find out.

Winter measures for now & 2050

Winter measures for now & 2050

Facing the urgencies of the ongoing climate and energy crises, regions and their energy agencies are carrying out important measures that will support citizens, companies, and public authorities throughout this winter and in preparation for climate neutrality. Discover their latest efforts in this new series.

Building a climate-resilient Zagreb

Building a climate-resilient Zagreb

After being hit by a series of earthquakes in 2020, the Croatian capital began a holistic reconstruction effort that also integrates climate adaptation measures, designed to ensure the city’s long-term resilience. REGEA is delivering on this mandate through several EU projects.

Interreg Alpine Space approves three projects by AURA-EE and other FEDARENE members

Interreg Alpine Space approves three projects by AURA-EE and other FEDARENE members

Three successful project proposals for the Interreg Alpine Space programme will be managed by FEDARENE members, including AURA-EE, ENERGAP, IRE Liguria, and Selnica ob Dravi Municipality.