
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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Unlocking the potential of community-driven models

Through an analysis of 6 successful one-stop-shops, including Opengela, this report by ComActivate underscores the growing significance of OSSs in bridging the gap between energy efficiency subsidies and building renovations.

Application pack for Replication Region and City

This EU call for replication region and city aims to give the opportunity for 5 regions and cities from across Europe to come to the Basque Country to see how the Opengela pilot offices work and bring back what they could replicate from the OPENGELA model to their territory.

Energy Poverty Handbook: A report produced with the Right to Energy Coalition

The Greens/EFA parliamentary group published a new handbook on energy poverty, in collaboration with the Opengela project.

Opengela | Newsletter April 2022

Check out the 2nd Newsletter of the OPENGELA project!

«Opengela has made it easier for us to rehabilitate not only buildings in Otxarkoaga, but also spaces that were in disuse»

The 4th edition of the OPENGELA Newsletter is out, just on time to prepare the New year! Check out what happens on 15th of March 2022.

FEDARENE Info 52 – Focus on European Integrated Renovation Services

For this autumn edition, we dive into a key topic of the renovation wave: one-stop-shops and renovation services.

OPENGELA White Book on replicable One-Stop-Shop model

The "White Book on replicable One-Stop-Shop model" aims to facilitate the implementation of the Opengela Program in the Basque Country, exposing its operational characteristics, and main milestones and indicators to guide the Program’s scalability.

«I hope that Opengela will be a reference for other urban environments and inspire other initiatives»

The 2nd OPENGELA newsletter is out! Check out the latest news on Basque urban regeneration.

SDG localisation and multi-level governance: lessons from the Basque Country

The Basque Country was among the first sub-national organisations in the world to adopt a consistent Sustainable Development Goals localisation strategy. Read more about its policies and projects, including OPENGELA, in this publication in the European Joint Research Centre.

We are “Open”!

Check out the 1st Newsletter of the OPENGELA project!

Flyers of OPENGELA now available in 3 languages

The Opengela project will be looking for ways to be replicated in other towns in the Basque Country and in other parts of Europe. For this to be possible, here is all the basic information that has allowed us to set in motion the one-stop-shop offices for the integrated regeneration of neighbourhoods.

FEDARENE Info 49 – Focus on Urban Planning

Our 2020 Autumn Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on Urban Planning, and how sound and smart planning can help us reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and improve quality of life.