Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is accepted as the guiding principle of the EU energy strategy. According to the Energy Efficiency Directive that was amended as part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, a 32,5% increase in energy efficiency is needed by 2030. In line with the EU’s “energy efficiency first” principle, energy efficiency practices should be treated as the first option in planning and investment decisions, when setting new rules for the supply side and other policy areas.

The EU measures focus on sectors where the potential for savings is the greatest, such as buildings as they account for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Most notably, the Renovation Wave released by the European Commission in 2021 will be one of the key strategies to achieve greater energy efficiency in the European building stock. Various available refurbishment options like digitalisation that enables smart and flexible demand-side response can enhance the quality of life for people and optimise energy use.

Potential energy savings resulting from efficiency measures are one of the easiest ways for consumers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy bills – as a response to energy poverty – and limit their reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas. To achieve a high degree of efficiency, improvements throughout the full energy chain – from production to final consumption – are needed.


  • Making FEDARENE a platform for debate and experience sharing between EU regions/agencies on Energy Efficiency.
  • Supporting our members in achieving their Energy Efficiency goals by providing peer-to-peer learning activities, webinars and promoting best practices.
  • Seek the cooperation of certification bodies, energy agencies, and other organisations to design and implement energy efficiency projects.
  • Discuss and broadly disseminate the essence of revised EU directives and energy efficiency policies with decision makers, the relevant stakeholder community, and our members.
  • Identify and overcome regional-local collaboration barriers inherent to energy efficiency measures.

Our latest news on Energy Efficiency

Coping with the crisis: Increasing resilience in small businesses in Europe through energy efficiency

FEDARENE's Secretary General Seamus Hoyne joined Kadri Simson (European Commissioner for Energy) at this high-ranking event on increasing energy efficiency among SMEs in Europe.

How is your country progressing in energy efficiency?

Share your expertise and shape the future of energy efficiency in Europe: Participate in this EU-wide survey now!

Mitigating volatility during the energy crisis

Maria Fabianelli, FEDARENE Vice-President for Energy Efficiency and Investments, discusses how IRE Liguria is addressing the energy crisis with renewable energy communities and support for local entities and SMEs.

How to implement the Energy Efficiency First Principle in Regional Planning ?

Regio1st is assessing the implementation of the Energy Efficiency First principle in regional planning to establish a community of practice for EE1st.

EU Peers Summit: the new European voice of local one-stop shops for home energy renovation

The European Union wishes to achieve a zero-emission building stock by 2050, by boosting renovation rates and reaching for the highest possible energy efficiency of buildings.

Join the ManagEnergy Master Class on One-Stop Shops for Residential Retrofit!

Applications are open for the second edition of the ManagEnergy Master Class on One-Stop Shops. Dive into the design and development of OSS for residential retrofitting and learn how to bring real impact to your region.


Improving Clean Energy Transition planning at local and regional level


Implementing the Energy Efficiency First Principle in Regional Planning


Integrated Energy, Climate and Spatial planning to enable local and regional authorities to effectively implement their plan. #LifeINPLAN

Energy Efficiency Watch 5

Through the development of enabling narratives and a policy dialogue platform, the Energy Efficiency Watch 5 (EEW5) promotes the Green Deal as the masterplan for a just transition and as the new EU growth strategy.

Smart EPC

Smart EPC enables the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities.


An innovative integrated home renovation service for private residential buildings to be validated in the Basque Country and with a high replicability potential in Europe. This will be achieved by setting up “district offices” as one-stop-shops to facilitate turn-key solutions to homeowners, covering the whole customer journey.

Energy Efficiency Watch 4

The overarching objective of EEW4 is to support policy makers in European Union Member States in improving the degree of successful implementation of policy instruments for energy efficiency, and thus contribute to reaching the target of the Energy Efficiency Directive.


The project QualDeEPC attempts to achieve a high-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe accelerating deep energy renovation.

Best practices >

CoachCopro: A unique website for retrofit of condominiums

CoachCopro: A unique website for retrofit of condominiums

First developed in the Paris Metropolitan area, CoachCopro is the only national resource centre for energy retrofit of condominiums and can be consulted by every French co-owner. It is also a tool that allows every territory to follow the retrofitting projects.

City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

The City of Zagreb with the support of North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA) has, in 2023, started a highly ambitious programme of deep retrofit of its public buildings as well as continued activities aimed at installing building integrated PV systems.

Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

In the last six years, a total of 22 public buildings owned by the regional authority of Medjimurje County were refurbished, where investments amounted to more than €15 million (60% of EU co-financing and 25% of national funding). Discover more about this best practice!

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

Plovdiv Energy Agency strives to showcase the transformative impact of integrated decarbonised and low-emission policies in their journey towards climate neutrality and sustainable energy transitions.


Webinars >

36712FEDARENE Info 50 — Focus on District Heating and Cooling

Energy Efficiency First: How Energy Agencies Shape Smarter Energy Planning

How can regional authorities and energy agencies put the Energy Efficiency First principle into practice? Watch this webinar to explore how EE1st is shaping smarter energy planning across Europe, with insights from the European Commission, regional energy agencies, and real-life case studies.
