Energy efficiency is accepted as the guiding principle of the EU energy strategy. According to the Energy Efficiency Directive that was amended as part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans package, a 32,5% increase in energy efficiency is needed by 2030. In line with the EU’s “energy efficiency first” principle, energy efficiency practices should be treated as the first option in planning and investment decisions, when setting new rules for the supply side and other policy areas.
The EU measures focus on sectors where the potential for savings is the greatest, such as buildings as they account for 40% of energy consumption and 36% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Most notably, the Renovation Wave released by the European Commission in 2021 will be one of the key strategies to achieve greater energy efficiency in the European building stock. Various available refurbishment options like digitalisation that enables smart and flexible demand-side response can enhance the quality of life for people and optimise energy use.
Potential energy savings resulting from efficiency measures are one of the easiest ways for consumers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy bills – as a response to energy poverty – and limit their reliance on external suppliers of oil and gas. To achieve a high degree of efficiency, improvements throughout the full energy chain – from production to final consumption – are needed.
Improving Clean Energy Transition planning at local and regional level
Implementing the Energy Efficiency First Principle in Regional Planning
Integrated Energy, Climate and Spatial planning to enable local and regional authorities to effectively implement their plan. #LifeINPLAN
Through the development of enabling narratives and a policy dialogue platform, the Energy Efficiency Watch 5 (EEW5) promotes the Green Deal as the masterplan for a just transition and as the new EU growth strategy.
Smart EPC enables the transition of local public authorities towards smart sustainable cities.
An innovative integrated home renovation service for private residential buildings to be validated in the Basque Country and with a high replicability potential in Europe. This will be achieved by setting up “district offices” as one-stop-shops to facilitate turn-key solutions to homeowners, covering the whole customer journey.
The overarching objective of EEW4 is to support policy makers in European Union Member States in improving the degree of successful implementation of policy instruments for energy efficiency, and thus contribute to reaching the target of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
The project QualDeEPC attempts to achieve a high-quality Energy Performance Assessment and Certification in Europe accelerating deep energy renovation.
Our 2021 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on District Heating and Cooling – a sector that could become one of the most important contributors to the EU Green Deal and Energy Transition.
Our 2021 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on District Heating and Cooling – a sector that could become one of the most important contributors to the EU Green Deal and Energy Transition.
Our 2021 Spring Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on District Heating and Cooling – a sector that could become one of the most important contributors to the EU Green Deal and Energy Transition.
How can regional authorities and energy agencies put the Energy Efficiency First principle into practice? Watch this webinar to explore how EE1st is shaping smarter energy planning across Europe, with insights from the European Commission, regional energy agencies, and real-life case studies.