Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

ClimAct CEE: Pioneering climate-neutral zones in the city of Plovdiv

Plovdiv Energy Agency strives to showcase the transformative impact of integrated decarbonised and low-emission policies in their journey towards climate neutrality and sustainable energy transitions.
Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

In the last six years, a total of 22 public buildings owned by the regional authority of Medjimurje County were refurbished, where investments amounted to more than €15 million (60% of EU co-financing and 25% of national funding). Discover more about this best practice!
City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

The City of Zagreb with the support of North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA) has, in 2023, started a highly ambitious programme of deep retrofit of its public buildings as well as continued activities aimed at installing building integrated PV systems.
CoachCopro: A unique website for retrofit of condominiums

CoachCopro: A unique website for retrofit of condominiums

First developed in the Paris Metropolitan area, CoachCopro is the only national resource centre for energy retrofit of condominiums and can be consulted by every French co-owner. It is also a tool that allows every territory to follow the retrofitting projects.
Large-scale energy renovation projects in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

Large-scale energy renovation projects in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County

When it comes to public buildings, Primorje-Gorski Kotar County demonstrated a strong commitment to putting energy efficiency principles into action in the past years. Primorje-Gorski Kotar County 2021-2027 Development Plan recognises the importance of these efforts, and this has been reflected in practice.
More than €200 million for insulation of public buildings in Wallonia

More than €200 million for insulation of public buildings in Wallonia

In recent years, the Wallonia region has issued several calls for projects for the energy renovation of buildings - the UREBA grants. These exceptional grants have allowed to finance more than 1,100 energy renovation projects.
Sustainable Lighting Improvements a Game Changer for O’Loughlin Gaels 

Sustainable Lighting Improvements a Game Changer for O’Loughlin Gaels 

O’Loughlin Gaels sports club, in collaboration with the South East Energy Agency, has undergone a green transformation, investing €230,000 in floodlighting, insulation, and heating control. The initiative not only aligns with environmental goals but also reduces energy costs and consumption, showcasing a successful model for other clubs.
Transforming Kozani into a beautiful and climate neutral city

Transforming Kozani into a beautiful and climate neutral city

The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) is developing a methodological structure to support cities in their built environment transformation.
Promoting energy efficiency & developing innovative approaches in schools

Promoting energy efficiency & developing innovative approaches in schools

The Cyprus Energy Agency is coordinating the PEDIA project (Promoting Energy Efficiency & Developing Innovative Approaches in Schools). It aims to improve energy efficiency and comfort conditions of at least 25 public school buildings in the island.
Top Condomini: Accelerating residential retrofit in Emilia-Romagna

Top Condomini: Accelerating residential retrofit in Emilia-Romagna

Energy consumption in the residential sector is one of the greatest challenges faced by regions in Italy if they intend to reach national and international CO2 reduction targets. Inspired by their long experience in EU projects, the Italian Agency for Energy and Sustainable Development (AESS) has developed a solution called Top Condomini.
Towards major impact on energy efficiency with KNOWnNEBs 

Towards major impact on energy efficiency with KNOWnNEBs 

Discover more about KNOWnNEBs, the project aiming for integration of non-energy benefits into energy audit practices to accelerate the uptake of recommended measures
Thermal renovation and installation of air recuperation in Secondary medical school Kroměříž

Thermal renovation and installation of air recuperation in Secondary medical school Kroměříž

Read how the Zlín Regional Energy Agency in the Czech Republic has improved heat insulation and installed air recuperation in the secondary medical School Kroměříž to increase energy efficiency in the building.
Small Demonstration Site – First Adaptive Lighting Test

Small Demonstration Site – First Adaptive Lighting Test

Find out about AGIRE's test to evaluate how adaptive lighting system performs in urban environment and how the results have shaped the urban planning of ROME, EUR district.
Engaging citizens and local entities – the “Porto Energy Hub” one-stop-shop

Engaging citizens and local entities – the “Porto Energy Hub” one-stop-shop

AdEPorto's bold renovation programme has seen the creation of one-stop-shops. These offices adopt innovative financing schemes with the goal of renovating 3000 homes and encouraging citizens to engage in energy efficiency and the production of renewable energy.
Plovdiv’s path toward more efficient, green, and energy-independent residential heating

Plovdiv’s path toward more efficient, green, and energy-independent residential heating

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv supports the phase-out of firewood and coal use for domestic heating in the City of Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
One of Slovenia’s first smart grid systems in a public building

One of Slovenia’s first smart grid systems in a public building

Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje (LEASP) has successfully completed the DEMO project, which concerned a new smart grid for the kindergarten of Destrnik, Slovenia. The main benefit besides energy savings is strong demonstration impact and the great interest of the other municipalities now seeking to implement similar projects.
Fostering Energy Efficiency and Independence of public buildings in Medjimurje county

Fostering Energy Efficiency and Independence of public buildings in Medjimurje county

Discover the numerous ways in which the Medjimurje Energy Agency (MENEA) is implementing projects aimed at improving energy efficiency of public buildings, above all, of its headquarters - a hundred-year-old ex-military now turned administrative complex.
Let’s also fight for the environment inside buildings!

Let’s also fight for the environment inside buildings!

The Mazovia Energy Agency is developing new solutions to improve not only the energy performance of buildings, but also their indoor climate through energy management systems.
Energy Consulting in Lower Austria

Energy Consulting in Lower Austria

The massive increase in energy prices has led to a surge of questions about energy use and demand. To make sure househols and businesses are fully aware of all the intricacies of the current energy market, the Energy and Environment Agency of Lower Austria has set up a consulting service for citizens and municipalities.
Supporting deep renovations in public buildings across small and medium-sized municipalities

Supporting deep renovations in public buildings across small and medium-sized municipalities

The BAPAURA project scales up the energy refurbishment of public buildings in small and mid-size local municipalities through the implementation of multi-level, advanced services that provide technical support and innovative financing.
Rénov’Occitanie: One-Stop-Shops for Energy Renovations and Savings in Occitanie

Rénov’Occitanie: One-Stop-Shops for Energy Renovations and Savings in Occitanie

Discover Rénov'Occitanie innovative one-stop-shop for complete energy renovation support, unlocking energy-efficient living and reducing bills in Occitanie.
Top energy-saving tips for households, companies, and municipalities

Top energy-saving tips for households, companies, and municipalities

After significant time calculating the impact of over 100 different tips, the Upper Austria Regional Energy Agency arrived at a conclusion: these are the top tips to save hundreds of euros per year on fuel, heat, and water. They're simple, considerable, and easy to implement!
Leisure Centre Retrofitting in Western Ireland

Leisure Centre Retrofitting in Western Ireland

The Tipperary Energy Agency performed a major retrofit of the Lahinch Leisure Centre, using innovative energy systems and materials to improve efficiency, lower costs, and reduce the building's footprint.
Sunny farms in the north

Sunny farms in the north

Find out more about the Sunny Agirculture in the North project, aimed to increase farmers' knowledge of solar and electricity storage, in order to increase the proportion of solar and the degree of self-sufficiency in agriculture in northern Sweden.
Making heating for European consumers efficient, economically resilient, clean and climate-friendly

Making heating for European consumers efficient, economically resilient, clean and climate-friendly

Through REPLACE, our members REGEA, EREN and ESCAN have conducted wide renovation campaigns in Spain and Croatia to motivate and support people to replace their old heating systems with more environmentally friendly alternatives.
Replacing diesel boiler with biomass in Aranda de Duero, Castilla y León

Replacing diesel boiler with biomass in Aranda de Duero, Castilla y León

Discover the new biomass system installed in Aranda De Duero by the Castilla y León Regional Energy Agency with positive economic savings and environmental investments, in line with the REPLACE project.
Innovative renewable Energy System in a residential household, Oviedo, Asturias

Innovative renewable Energy System in a residential household, Oviedo, Asturias

In relation with the REPLACE project, find out how a biomass boiler as well as photovoltaic pannels were installed in a residential house.
New single-family home in Asturias

New single-family home in Asturias

Discover the benefits of installing a pellet boiler in a single-family home in Asturias, including energy savings and price of installation, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Biomass boiler in Salamanca, Castilla y León

Biomass boiler in Salamanca, Castilla y León

Read about the benefits of replacing a coal boiler by a biomass boiler, accompanied by the Castilla y León Regional Energy Agency in a residential building in Salamanca city, Spain., as part of the REPLACE project.
Old diesel boiler room replacement in residential building, Oviedo, Asturias

Old diesel boiler room replacement in residential building, Oviedo, Asturias

Discover how a residential building in the centre of Oviedo has gotten a biomass heating system with pellets, to achieve higher energy efficiency and release less CO2, in the context of REPLACE.
Duplex with a hydro-stove heating system in Castilla y León

Duplex with a hydro-stove heating system in Castilla y León

Learn about the the biomass heating of a family living in a duplex, who invested for environmental reasons and heating comfort, in the framework of REPLACE, a European project aiming to make heating and cooling climate-friendly and accessible.
Tackling Energy Poverty in Rural Areas

Tackling Energy Poverty in Rural Areas

Due to high energy prices in the last years, many households are facing the problem of energy poverty. This was fought in the Medjimurje region by MENEA and the implementation of project CO-EMEP, oriented towards this phenomenon.
Tackling Energy Poverty in Households with Disabled People and Supporting Social Integration

Tackling Energy Poverty in Households with Disabled People and Supporting Social Integration

The Union of Cyprus Communities and the Cyprus Energy Agency participate in the project "Tackle Energy Poverty in Households with Disabled People and Support Social Integration", aiming to fight energy poverty at national level with a particular focus in households with disabled people.
Sustainable Communities Wales

Sustainable Communities Wales

Read about the role of Severn Wye in providing free resource efficiency advice and specialist support to community organisations across Wales, from 2018 to 2021.
Governance in the Strategy for Energy Building Renovation in Asturias

Governance in the Strategy for Energy Building Renovation in Asturias

Explore the implementation of a Regional Strategy for the Energy Renovation of Buildings led by Asturias Energy Agency in Spain.
Energy Saving Smart Street Lighting Set for Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty

Energy Saving Smart Street Lighting Set for Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty

Discover how the Tipperary Energy Agency is setting up a smart lighting system in Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty in Ireland.
Conceptual approach to Energy Efficiency in large hospital area in the Zlín Region

Conceptual approach to Energy Efficiency in large hospital area in the Zlín Region

Discover the Zlín Energy Agency’s approach to the reconstruction of individual pavilions for better energy management in the hospital area of Zlín.
Supporting Liguria Municipalities in renovating their building stock

Supporting Liguria Municipalities in renovating their building stock

Discover the wok of IRE Liguria in the framework of the “Pays Ecogetiques” project, who accompanied municipalities situated in the Province of Imperia in Liguria through an entire process of energy renovation.
Conference about Sustainable Homes and Buildings becomes increasingly Popular

Conference about Sustainable Homes and Buildings becomes increasingly Popular

Learn about the success of the 5th conference organised by the Mälardalen Energy Agency, on the topic of energy efficiency in buildings and more particularly homes, stores and warehouses.
Citizen-owned firewood district heating in Varces

Citizen-owned firewood district heating in Varces

Discover how the municipality of Varces from the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes region commissioned its wood heating network to supply its public buildings.
3CEA and Better Energy Communities – a sustainable agri-business in Wexford, Ireland

3CEA and Better Energy Communities – a sustainable agri-business in Wexford, Ireland

With the help of 3CEA, an agri-business was able to benefit from 30% funding towards energy efficiency improvements!
Pilot Smart Street Lighting installed in Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty

Pilot Smart Street Lighting installed in Thurles, Drangan and Clonoulty

In cooperation with Tipperary Energy Agency and EU project partners, Tipperary County Council launched the smart LED lighting pilot initiative which will be one of the largest installations of smart lights of any county council in Ireland.
Testimony: the benefits of upgrading your home

Testimony: the benefits of upgrading your home

3cea share testimonies from happy homeowners who have undertaken home energy upgrades.
Networks for energy efficiency result in dramatic reductions in energy consumption

Networks for energy efficiency result in dramatic reductions in energy consumption

The "Network for energy agency" gathers small and medium size companies that are comitted to have a yearly energy consumption of no less than 1 Gigawatt hours.
Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Innovative Solutions for Public Lighting in Smart Cities

Presenting the LIFE-DIADEME project dedicated to Smart public lightning.
Mönsterås municipality develops long-term strategic work for energy efficiency in buildings

Mönsterås municipality develops long-term strategic work for energy efficiency in buildings

The international project Act NOW works with municipalities in Southeast Sweden to promote energy efficiency management.
Energy Performance Certificate in Catalonia

Energy Performance Certificate in Catalonia

ICAEN has an innovative way of managing the energy performance certification of buildings in Catalonia. 
West-Liguria Port Authority Environmental Energy Plan (PEAP)

West-Liguria Port Authority Environmental Energy Plan (PEAP)

IRE has supported the West-Liguria Port Authority in the drafting and development of its Environmental Energy Plan (PEAP), in compliance with the national Legislation.
LoCASE – Low Carbon Across the South East

LoCASE – Low Carbon Across the South East

The Low Carbon Kent Team at Kent County Council has been leading a partnership of local authorities and higher education bodies in transitioning SMEs to more sustainable practices since 2016.
Extensive energy transformation of a prefabricated kindergarten building using Public Procurement of Innovation

Extensive energy transformation of a prefabricated kindergarten building using Public Procurement of Innovation

The Regional Energy Agency North and the city of Koprivnica carried out the first Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) in Croatia to fully transform a 35-year-old kindergarten building.
EPCs with Result Guarantee in the Dolomites

EPCs with Result Guarantee in the Dolomites

Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) with Guarantee of Result (GR), for energy requalification of buildings and public street lighting, at Zero cost for public administrations, also breach the Belluno area in the Dolomites, among the most beautiful mountains in the world.
Energy Advocate

Energy Advocate

Severn Wye partnered with local charities and community organisations to deliver the Energy Advocate programme to support people facing fuel debt. 
Energy-efficient projects in the Ústí Region

Energy-efficient projects in the Ústí Region

In 2017, the Ústí nad Labem Regional government decided to use Energy Performance Contracting an several energy efficiecny projects have been conducted since.
Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme

Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme

Find out about the Tipperary Healthy Homes Scheme by the Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) aims to move homeowners away from fossil fuel heating systems and replace with a heatpump.
Integral Renovation of Provincial Street lighting Project

Integral Renovation of Provincial Street lighting Project

Interested in street lighting renovation? Find out how SODEBUR changed the street lighting into a LED system in 179 municipalities to reduce energy consumption and saved a total of 2M euros in the first year!
Comprehensive Energy Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Medjimurje County

Comprehensive Energy Refurbishment of Public Buildings in Medjimurje County

Find out how MENEA is coordinating projects of comprehensive energy refurbishment of public buildings in Medjimurje County with a budget co-financed by European Reginal Development Fund (ERDF) and the national fund of Croatia.
Collaboration between stakeholders can boost energy efficiency in buildings

Collaboration between stakeholders can boost energy efficiency in buildings

Find a new way to achieve energy efficiency in buildings by gathering different stakeholders in collaboration groups that has been tested in northern Sweden with very positive results!
The TIPPING Wheel – boosting innovation strategies for islands

The TIPPING Wheel – boosting innovation strategies for islands

Find out how the Fryslan Province has been working with the TIPPING approach and wheel, which have been designed to be used as a tool for improving innovation policy or governance.
Maribor improves Energy Efficiency through Public Buildings Refurbishment

Maribor improves Energy Efficiency through Public Buildings Refurbishment

Find out how ENERGAP is working with the City of Maribor to reduce energy consumption. 
SPEEDIER – SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and implementation of EneRgy Audits

SPEEDIER – SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and implementation of EneRgy Audits

Find out about SPEEDIER, a European project which aims to address the barriers faced by Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that prevent them from undertaking energy audits and implementing the recommended energy-saving measures.
3 Counties Energy Agency Powering the Energy Transition in the South East of Ireland

3 Counties Energy Agency Powering the Energy Transition in the South East of Ireland

Earlier this year, 3CEA launched its Regional Energy Transition Strategy to 2030 – a strategy that helps map the path they are going to have to follow together.
Oil heating step out!

Oil heating step out!

Learn how eNu is supporting citizens in the replacement of their oil heating systems with renewable heating systems in Lower Austria to reduce CO2 emissions.
Increasing the capacity of local authorities to fight energy poverty and promote clean air policies in local communities

Increasing the capacity of local authorities to fight energy poverty and promote clean air policies in local communities

The Energy Agency of Plovdiv is fighting energy poverty and air pollution through a network of energy advisors. 
Energikontor Sydost: Municipal co-distribution of goods spreads throughout Sweden

Energikontor Sydost: Municipal co-distribution of goods spreads throughout Sweden

Read how Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden has been working to spread the concept of municipal co-distribution of goods since 2013, reducing CO2 emissions and congestion in city centres, and increasing the competition and the local market opportunities.
Central Finland: Regions and municipalities for climate change mitigation

Central Finland: Regions and municipalities for climate change mitigation

Find out how the Central Finland Regional Council is helping small municipalities to set more ambitious climate change mitigation goals and strengthen their cooperation with regional climate change mitigation work.
Valladolid Municipal Energy Agency: The City Council is committed to energy efficiency in schools

Valladolid Municipal Energy Agency: The City Council is committed to energy efficiency in schools

Read how the Valladolid Municipal Energy Agency has renovated the diesel fuel boilers of 21 school buildings to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.