
An array of studies, policy papers and reports are developed in the frame of FEDARENE’s activities and projects. The following documents are categorised by topic, type of publication and by projects.

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The TIPPING guide: innovation for islands

Looking to boost innovation on your island? Learn from the TIPPING method and download the guide for free now!

Creating new momentum in Europe’s Renewable Energy Policies – Recommendations from Regions and their Energy Agencies

As the European Commission is revising the Renewable Energy Directive to make it “fit for 55”, the regions and energy agencies members of FEDARENE recommend 10 solutions to create a new momentum in Europe’s Energy Policies.

The missing “WHY” for energy efficiency – EEW4 Survey Results

The Energy Efficiency Watch presents the results of its new survey, bringing together the insights of over 1,200 experts on the progress in energy efficiency policies and key factors for narrative development in all EU Member States.

We are “Open”!

Check out the 1st Newsletter of the OPENGELA project!

FEDARENE Info 49 – Focus on Urban Planning

Our 2020 Autumn Edition of the FEDARENE Info is out! This season, we focus on Urban Planning, and how sound and smart planning can help us reduce emissions, adapt to climate change and improve quality of life.

Energy Transition Leaders Initiative Brochure

Upper Austria is the industrial heart of the country generating 25% of its industrial exports. Its decarbonisation is cucial to achieve a the energy transition and achieve our goals.

Creating Step Change in Europe’s Energy Efficiency Policies – Recommendations from Regions and their Energy Agencies

While a strengthened regulatory framework will provide a clear direction to Members States, its implementation toward the 2030 targets will depend on effective delivery of technical assistance, practical support and strategic market facilitation. Regions and their Energy Agencies will be essential delivery agents.

The design of Triple Function Substations in combination with RELaTED technologies

Ultra-Low temperature DH introduces multiple benefits at the network level, as the reduction of heat losses and the improvement of heat generation efficiency…

FEDARENE responds to the Renewable Energy Directive Review Consultation

The Renewable Energy Directive can drive a step change towards 2030 if it recognizes the need for intensified local/regional market facilitation, and focuses on mainstreaming renewable energy in the industrial sector as well as heating and cooling, 2 areas which were insufficiently addressed so far.

FEDARENE responds to the Energy Efficiency Directive Review Consultation

FEDARENE welcomes the Commission’s intention to strengthen the Energy Efficiency Directive, making it fit to stimulate Europe’s economic transformation and reach EU’s 2030 Climate objectives.