Best practices

Exemplary projects and initiatives are implemented and replicated at local and regional level. The following best practices are categorised by topic and geographic area.

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Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

Regional authority active in implementing RES projects in Medjimurje County

In the last six years, a total of 22 public buildings owned by the regional authority of Medjimurje County were refurbished, where investments amounted to more than €15 million (60% of EU co-financing and 25% of national funding). Discover more about this best practice!
City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

City of Zagreb programme of public buildings retrofit and PV systems

The City of Zagreb with the support of North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (REGEA) has, in 2023, started a highly ambitious programme of deep retrofit of its public buildings as well as continued activities aimed at installing building integrated PV systems.
Aggregating solar PV installation demand in small municipalities to boost clean energy transition

Aggregating solar PV installation demand in small municipalities to boost clean energy transition

Motivated by years of experience, in 2021 Regional Energy Agency North (REA North) decided to extend its portfolio for joint public procurement by aggregating the demand for solar PV installations on the roofs of public buildings.
New Boost to Electric Renewables in Castilla y León

New Boost to Electric Renewables in Castilla y León

Find out how Castilla y León expects a huge growth in electric renewables and how thanks to their contribution, Spain will be able to meet its 2020 European goals in renewables.
Digitalization solutions for renewables and education

Digitalization solutions for renewables and education

Two digital solutions implemented by REA North are promoting sustainability solutions in Northern Croatia. As well as educating citizens about sustainability, the projects help them to assess the impact of PV installations at home.
Zagreb’s smart energy solutions for citizens

Zagreb’s smart energy solutions for citizens

The city of Zagreb worked with REGEA to develop a number of energy-related IT tools for citizens, including a solar PV potential tool.
A regional agreement for biogas

A regional agreement for biogas

Ten years ago, the municipally-owned biogas plant outside the city of Jönköping was bleeding money and public opinion was hostile to continued production of biomethane for the city’s buses. Now, we celebrate that Jönköping had the largest percentage increase in biogas production in all of Sweden (41%). Discover how the Jönköping County reversed course.
Helping consumers in Castilla y León face the effects of the energy crisis

Helping consumers in Castilla y León face the effects of the energy crisis

The regional energy agency of Castilla y León, EREN, has planned and enacted a host of measures in response to the ongoing energy crises. From photovoltaics to radio campaigns, find out how energy savings, RES, and efficiency measures are supporting Castillian consumers.
Low-energy family house in Zagorje

Low-energy family house in Zagorje

Discover the renewable energy source systems of a family house in Croatia, with heat pumps and solar collectors for space heating and hot water preparation, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Heat pump in Zagreb’s upper town courtyard

Heat pump in Zagreb’s upper town courtyard

Read about the renovation of a residential building built in 1850 to a more efficient heating system, with an air-to-water heat pump, in the context of the REPLACE project.
Reduced heating bills by using pellets

Reduced heating bills by using pellets

Read about the family house in the city of Zagreb using natural gas as the main source of energy, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Family house with solar panels in Rijeka

Family house with solar panels in Rijeka

Learn about the example of a sustainable family house in Rijeka, Greece, fueled by solar panels in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Family house using biomass in Rijeka

Family house using biomass in Rijeka

Discover the benefits of investing in a modern and more environmentally friendly system for heating, pellets, in Rijeka, Croatia, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Vacation house with heat pump on the island of Krk

Vacation house with heat pump on the island of Krk

Read about the five-star family house for rent in the village Gornja Hlapa, fuled by a heat pump, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Innovative renewable Energy System in a residential household, Oviedo, Asturias

Innovative renewable Energy System in a residential household, Oviedo, Asturias

In relation with the REPLACE project, find out how a biomass boiler as well as photovoltaic pannels were installed in a residential house.
New single-family home in Asturias

New single-family home in Asturias

Discover the benefits of installing a pellet boiler in a single-family home in Asturias, including energy savings and price of installation, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Duplex with a hydro-stove heating system in Castilla y León

Duplex with a hydro-stove heating system in Castilla y León

Learn about the the biomass heating of a family living in a duplex, who invested for environmental reasons and heating comfort, in the framework of REPLACE, a European project aiming to make heating and cooling climate-friendly and accessible.
Innovative heating replacement in Guisasola residential, Ovideo, Asturias

Innovative heating replacement in Guisasola residential, Ovideo, Asturias

The replacement of an old heating system in Ovideo, Asturias, by an innovative heating system has led to significant economical and emissions savings, in the framework of the REPLACE project.
Old diesel boiler room replacement in residential building, Oviedo, Asturias

Old diesel boiler room replacement in residential building, Oviedo, Asturias

Discover how a residential building in the centre of Oviedo has gotten a biomass heating system with pellets, to achieve higher energy efficiency and release less CO2, in the context of REPLACE.
Biomass boiler in Salamanca, Castilla y León

Biomass boiler in Salamanca, Castilla y León

Read about the benefits of replacing a coal boiler by a biomass boiler, accompanied by the Castilla y León Regional Energy Agency in a residential building in Salamanca city, Spain., as part of the REPLACE project.
Replacing diesel boiler with biomass in Aranda de Duero, Castilla y León

Replacing diesel boiler with biomass in Aranda de Duero, Castilla y León

Discover the new biomass system installed in Aranda De Duero by the Castilla y León Regional Energy Agency with positive economic savings and environmental investments, in line with the REPLACE project.
100 % Sustainable La Gomera: Decarbonisation through Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Microgrids

100 % Sustainable La Gomera: Decarbonisation through Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Microgrids

Find out how little by little, La Gomera, island of the Canary Archipelago (Spain), is becoming fueled by 100% renewable energy, helped by the Canary Islands Institute of Technology.
Solar Roofs – City of Zagreb Program for Integrated Photovoltaic Installations

Solar Roofs – City of Zagreb Program for Integrated Photovoltaic Installations

Discover REGEA's technical and expert support to the implementation of the Solar Roofs Program to increase the share of renewable energy production with solar roofs in the city of Zagreb in Croatia.
Solar and Precautionary Requirements in  different Built Environments

Solar and Precautionary Requirements in different Built Environments

Read about the project implemented by the Örebro County Energy Agency and the Swedish Energy Agency to accompany inhabitants of Örebro County to install solar panels and create an environment favourable to the establishment of efficient solar production.
Upper Austria: Solar Champions – proud of PV!

Upper Austria: Solar Champions – proud of PV!

Read how the regional government of Upper Austria and OÖ Energiesparverband move closer to making full use of rooftop PV potential and becoming a leader region in PV energy with the development of a largescale solar awareness campaign.
Self-consumption Observatory in Catalonia

Self-consumption Observatory in Catalonia

Through a self-consumption Observatory, ICAEN carried out a report of the evolution of the PV selfconsonumption sector in Catalonia, which has grown significantly since 2019.
Optimising Solar Carbon Efficiency through Public Procurement

Optimising Solar Carbon Efficiency through Public Procurement

Climate Efficient Solar Energy, a project run by the Greater Stockholm Energy Agency, together with RISE (Research Institute of Sweden) and HBV, aims to make the green technology of PV even greener by valuing climate impact in public procurement.
Production and Distribution of Thermal Energy in the Municipality of Maribor

Production and Distribution of Thermal Energy in the Municipality of Maribor

Explore the measures undertaken by the Podravje Energy Agency and the Energetika Maribor company to ensure energy self-sufficiency and independence from global energy markets through thermal energy in the city of Maribor, in Slovenia.
Biomass heating network for two High Schools and an Arts School in Avila

Biomass heating network for two High Schools and an Arts School in Avila

Learn about the biomass district heating system created in Ávila, Spain, to supply high schools, by the Regional Energy Agency of Castilla y León (EREN).
The City Council of Valladolid committed to solar energy

The City Council of Valladolid committed to solar energy

The Municipality of Valladolid presents how investment in solar energy has resulted in carbon reduction.
Solar energy focus in project: “Sunny farms in the North”

Solar energy focus in project: “Sunny farms in the North”

The project "sunny farms" teaches farmers about solar energy and storage in North Sweden.
Energy DataHub of the Regional Administration of Castilla y León

Energy DataHub of the Regional Administration of Castilla y León

The Energy Datahub is an online tool permitting the Regional Administration of Castilla y León to control energy consumption and boost energy efficiency among citizens. See how it works.
Supporting sustainability in food and beverage industries by Solar-PV self-consumption

Supporting sustainability in food and beverage industries by Solar-PV self-consumption

Check out how ESCAN improves the energy efficiency of cold chains thanks to Solar-PV!
Solar-powered irrigation system in Orbaso capable of pumping water to 30 hectares of cropland

Solar-powered irrigation system in Orbaso capable of pumping water to 30 hectares of cropland

The Orbiso Irrigators’ Association has installed the Basque Country’s first self-consumption photovoltaic plant for pumping irrigation water. The total irrigatable land comes to 250 hectares, distributed between around 30 properties
FAST for Hydrogen

FAST for Hydrogen

FAST has the objective to spread scientific culture and offers technical services at national level with a focus on hydrogen.
Tipperary County Council generates renewable energy from Solar photovoltaic panels at a landfill site

Tipperary County Council generates renewable energy from Solar photovoltaic panels at a landfill site

See how Tipperary County Council generates renewable energy by using local assets such as landfill sites.
Sustainable Communities Wales

Sustainable Communities Wales

Read how Severn Wye Energy Agency is providing free expert support and feasibility studies to 150 communities in Wales for the energy efficiency improvements of their communal buildings through the Sustainable Communities Wales programme.
Promotion of buildings that supply, store, and distribute electricity to the electrical grid

Promotion of buildings that supply, store, and distribute electricity to the electrical grid

Find out how Örebro Region County Energy Agency facilitates a network within the real estate market where energy and environmental good practices in building and maintenance are promoted to encourage the use of renewables and energy efficiency.
RESAP Launch – The Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform

RESAP Launch – The Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform

Read how MIEMA has been supporting local stakeholders in the introduction of renewable energy sources in their buildings/facilities through the RESAP platform (Renewable Energy Sources Advisory Platform).
Development of Local energy concept for Municipality of Celje

Development of Local energy concept for Municipality of Celje

Read how KSSENA’s IMEAS silo approach¹ develops integrated and multi-level energy models for the Alpine Space (AS) to overcome the barriers emerging from the disconnected silos at present².
Wind-pumped-hydro Power Station of El Hierro

Wind-pumped-hydro Power Station of El Hierro

Find out how the Canary Island of El Hierro supplies its electrical energy from clean and renewable energy sources such as wind, and how they use their surplus wind energy to pump water from a lower reservoir at sea level!
EKIAN – The biggest PV plant in the Basque Country

EKIAN – The biggest PV plant in the Basque Country

Read about EKIAN, the biggest PV plant in the Basque Country, which is a public-private initiative of EVE and KREAN and has 22 investors. The investment is 24 million EUR and will produce electric energy equivalent to the annual consumption of 15.000 households.
The Sol i Väst Project develops knowledge on PV Electricity

The Sol i Väst Project develops knowledge on PV Electricity

The project developed in West Sweden aims at supporting initiatives for procurement and building PV parks. Read more about it!
A natural platform for the future of solar energy systems Mälardalen Energy Agency

A natural platform for the future of solar energy systems Mälardalen Energy Agency

Read about the Swedish Solar Expo, which sees a steadily increasing number of visitors and exhibitors each year. In October of 2019, the exhibition was organized for the sixth consecutive year, with a record-breaking number of attendants.
Support to the implementation of the new regional energy and climate strategy

Support to the implementation of the new regional energy and climate strategy

In 2019, the Île-de-France region set new climate and energy goals which included the region to have 100% of its energy consumption covered by renewable energy sources by 2050. Find out what measures they are applying to achieve this!