Basque Country Energy Agency

The Basque Energy Board, EVE, was created by Decree No. 81/1982 on 5 April as a Public Limited Company. Since it’s creation EVE has been responsible for implementing the Energy policy of the Basque Government. Currently the EVE Group Staff is constituted of 304 members.

Basque Country Energy Agency

Main activities

The EVE Group provides services in the areas of:
1. Energy Efficiency in the Industrial, Transport and Residential and Services sectors.

  • Technical assistance Diagnoses and energy audits; consumption monitoring; advice on energy and environmental legislation; viability studies for CHP facilities and other types of investment; certificate of energy efficien cy in buildings; vehicle diagnosis; energy studies in ships, etc.
  • Training Master’s degree in energy efficiency; postgraduate course in energy efficiency in industry; training for operators of equipment with high-energy consumption; specific courses in CHP; atmospheric pollution; climate control and other energy-related subjects.
  • Support for designing information and publicity campaigns.
  • Publications and simulators of energy-consuming equipment.

2. Renewable energy (solar thermal and photovoltaic, wind, landfill biogas, small hydro, biomass, etc.).

  • Technical assistance Assessment of potential and energy strategy studies; Technical and economic viability studies of investment projects; design, construction and operation of energy projects, etc.
  • Training.
  • Publications and videos.

3. Energy planning

  • Technical assistance Definition of energy policies and strategies, energy balance sheets, industry-specific studies, definition of indicators.
  • Publications. (See our web site
  • Computer models of energy trends.
  • Energy legislation.

4. Natural gas Infrastructure and Distribution
5. Exploration for hydrocarbons
6. Hydro-geology and mining

  • Technical assistance in hydro-geology Complete hydro-geological studies; studies of municipal supply; assessment of existing sites; underground water studies and quality control; assessments of potential of surface water; viability studies of using mineral water and water with medicinal properties.
  • Geological theme maps Regional hydro-geological maps; metallogenetic maps; mapping of industrial rocks and minerals.
  • Mine exploration.

7. Quality, human resources and business organisation

The EVE Group’s activities are concentrated in the Basque Country, although since 1989 the company has extended its operations to cover specific projects in various countries in the European Union, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America.


EVE is in constant contact with the economic world of the Basque Country and its clients include leading Basque companies, state bodies and professional organisations. Internationally, EVE’s most important clients are the European Commission – through its Directorates General for Energy and External Relations – and multilateral banks. EVE habitually works in consortium with local consultancy and engineering firms and others from the European Union.

In the news

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