FEDARENE has over 80 members across 24 countries in the European Union. We bring together regional and local energy agencies, ministries and departments who implement, coordinate and facilitate sustainable energy and environment policies.
Illustration : FEDARENE
The Energy and Environment Agency Lower Austria (eNu) was founded in January 2012 as a one stop shop for all environmental and energy issues
The OÖ Energiesparverband, established by the regional government in 1991, drives the energy transition by promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy and innovative energy technologies. It provides comprehensive services to households, companies and the public sector.
Propose and validate solutions of resilience and innovation, at the scale of the built environment, to respond to the challenges of today and tomorrow.
The main purpose of Valbiom is to promote and encourage the non-food valuation of biomass with all concerned parties, with the purpose of respecting principles of sustainable development.
The Energy and Sustainable Building Department of the Walloon Region has been working for more than 20 years in the field of Energy Efficiency and renewable energies.
The Energy Agency of Plovdiv (EAP) is the first energy management agency established in Bulgaria under the SAVE II program of the European Commission.
Regional Energy Agency Kvarner Ltd./ Regionalna energetska agencija Kvarner (REA Kvarner) was established in 2009 by the County of Primorje – Gorski Kotar under the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme.
Medjimurje Energy Agency ltd. (MENEA) was established in 2008 within the EU project “Creation of the energy agencies in Lleida (ES), Medjimurje (HR) and Montpellier (FR)” financed by Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) programme to promote the idea of sustainable development in accordance with the actual needs in Medjimurje county.
The North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency – REGEA has been established by Zagreb County, Karlovac County, Krapina-Zagorje County and City of Zagreb under the framework of the Intelligent Energy Europe programme.
The mission of the Regional Energy Agency North is to provide technical assistance to public authorities, citizens, and other local and regional stakeholders, build their capacities, and raise awareness on sustainable energy and climate.
CEA works for a just, inclusive, and climate-resilient Cyprus, that is governed by the principles of sustainability.
The EAZK is a not-for-profit organisation established in 2006 and is fully owned by the Zlín Region.
The Energy Centre of the Ústí Region (ECUK) is a state-funded institution established in August 2022 to fulfill regional energy policies stipulated in the Energy Plan of the region.
EC Network (Ltd.) is a Danish company of energy consultants and planners established in April 2000.
The Estonian Islands Energy Agency was established in 2023 to deliver the energy transition in the Estonian Islands archipelago through innovation and world class project delivery.
Tartu Regional Energy Agency (Region of Tartu) has been established in 2009 by the Tartu City Government and the Tartu Science Park to implement efficient […]
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement (AURA-EE) is the regional energy and environment agency of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. Created in 1978 with the support of the Regional Council.
The Regional Energy and Climate Agency (AREC) of Occitanie was created in 2018, at the initiative of the President of the Region, Carole Delga, to accelerate the energy transition in the territories.
The Agence Parisienne du Climat/Paris Climate Agency (APC Paris) is a public agency created by the city of Paris to help implement its climate and energy policy. It provides information, advice, and support to Parisians on energy savings, renewable energy, and energy transition.
Established by the Île-de-France Region, the Paris Region Institute aims, through its energy and Climate Department, to facilitate and accelerate energy transition and adaptation to climate change by assisting communities and other players in the Paris region.
B.&S.U. Beratungs- und Service-Gesellschaft Umwelt mbH is an independent company that acts as a pioneer and catalyst for the sustainable development of society and the energy transition.
DAFNI – Network of Sustainable Greek Islands is a non-profit organization of island local and regional authorities. Founded in 2006, DAFNI aims to strengthen island local governance and help islands embark on a sustainable development paradigm, through the integrated management of natural resources and infrastructures, the uptake of sustainable tourism and the enhanced interdependence of the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
In December 1993, within the framework of implementing regional energy policy and in pursuit of establishing Crete as preferential area for extensive applications of Renewable Energy Sources in Europe and in Mediterranean, the Region of Crete has founded the Regional Energy Agency.
The Cluster of Bioeconomy and Environment of Western Macedonia (CluBE) is a non-profit legal entity legally established on 14th February 2014. The mission of CluBE is to enhance collaboration and increase regional knowledge by promoting innovation and synergies between regional stakeholders in the fields of bioeconomy and the environment. Currently, it has 53 members from the public sector – R&D – SMEs – environment – social covering the entire quintuple helix of the regional bioenergy and environment sector.
The Budapest Climate Agency is accelerating the city’s journey toward net zero by focusing on building energy efficiency, renewable technologies, and innovative pilot projects.
LENERG Energiaügynökség Mérnöki és Tanácsadó Nonprofit Kft. (LENERG Energy Agency Nonrpofit Llc.) is a regional energy agency of Észak-Alföld region, established in 2010.
Codema is Dublin’s Energy Agency and is committed to leading Dublin’s low-carbon transition towards 2030 and 2050.
ESIN – the European Small Islands Federation is the fruit of a successful cooperation between small islands communities
SEEA – South East Energy Agency was established by Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford and Wexford Local Authorities in partnership with the Leader Development Companies in Carlow and Kilkenny to provide sustainable energy information and services to the people, to local businesses, to community groups and to the Local Authorities.
The Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) was established in March 1998 as a partnership between two Local Authorities North Tipperary County Council, and South Tipperary County Council, and the local third level learning institute, Tipperary Institute.
Friuli Venezia Giulia Energy Agency is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit organization, founded in 2006 to work on the sustainable energy transition and low carbon economy.
IRE is a joint-stock company by Italy’s Liguria Region as a result of the merger of three regional companies dealing respectively with infrastructure development, building and urban renovation and energy.
AGIRE – Agenzia per la Gestione Intelligente delle Risorse Energetiche, Energy Agency of the Province of Mantova, was established in 2006 with the support of the Intelligent Energy – Europe programme.
AESS, Agenzia per l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, was founded in 1999. Since 2021, it has chaired the Italian Association of Energy Agencies, RENAEL.
APRIE – Agency for Water Resources and Energy – is a Technical Department of the Autonomous Province of Trento, which provides technical assistance in the design of energy policies, programs, outreach, funding sources and the dissemination of energy awareness. APRIE has three main focus areas concerning energy topics: regional energy planning, policies and actions for the promotion of renewable sources, water included, and the improvement of energy efficiency at the local and regional level.
EKODOMA Ltd. is a private engineering consulting company established in 1991, whose main activities are related to energy-efficient solutions and sustainable energy sources.
Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania, Ekotermija is one of the leading energy consultant company that is known for its experience, high reputation, technical excellence, professionalism, responsiveness and integrity.
MIEMA is a non-profit, public-equivalent body initially set up to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.
The province of Fryslân is one of the twelve Dutch governmental authorities positioned between the national and municipal authorities and is responsible for issues that concern the population of Fryslân directly.
The main goal of MAE is to support the use of renewable energy sources and to support the implementation of solutions rationalizing energy use in Mazovia and to promote a regional approach to energy.
AdEPorto – Porto Energy Agency is a private non-profit association with Public Utility, created on 1 March, 2007 at the initiative of the Municipality of Porto, with the support of the Intelligent Energy Europe Program.
AREAM – Regional Agency for Energy and Environment of the Autonomous Region of Madeira is a private non-profit association, recognised as a public utility, having the mission to promote the innovation and cooperation in the energy and environment domains.
OesteSustentável is a non-profit private association, whose mission is the promotion of integrated actions that contribute to a greater energy efficiency, to a rational use of energy, as well as the use and promotion of renewable resources.
ALEA – Alba Local Energy Agency is a non-governmental organization founded in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Alba county by implementing the energy transition.
The Agency for Energy Efficiency and Environmental Protection (AEEPM) is an independent legal entity, founded in 2007, at the initiative of the Local Council of Sector 1 of Bucharest, co-financed by the European Commission through the Intelligent Energy Europe Programe.
The Maramures County Council and the Agency carries out its activities on the basis of the IEE Grant Agreement concluded between the Maramures County Council and EACI of the European Commission.
Energy Agency KSSENA was established in 2006 within the framework of Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE). Its founders are the Municipality of Velenje (MOV), Municipality of Celje (MOC), Municipality of Slovenj Gradec (MOSG) and Public Utility Company Velenje (KPV).
ENERGAP – Energy and Climate Agency of Podravje working in the North Eastern region in Slovenia
Selnica ob Dravi is a community in the central Drava Valley in Slovenia.
Local Energy Agency Spodnje Podravje, institute for promotion of sustainable energy development, has been established by the Municipality of Ptuj in 2008.
The Asturian Energy Foundation is the new Regional Energy Agency of the Principado of Asturias (Spain), which adopts the legal figure of Foundation and it’s a non-profit entity, with private nature and with its own legal personality and full capacity to work.
The Agencia Provincial de la Energía de Ávila (APEA) has been established by the Province of Ávila and partly financed by the European Commission under the SAVE Program. Its aim is fostering a new developed energy culture within the province based on a rational energy use and on the implementation of renewable energy sources.
The Basque Energy Board, EVE, was created by Decree No. 81/1982 on 5 April as a Public Limited Company. Since it’s creation EVE has been responsible for implementing the Energy policy of the Basque Government. Currently the EVE Group Staff is constituted of 304 members.
The Society for the Development of the Province of Burgos (SODEBUR) has been established as an active instrument of the Burgos province aimed at orientating people, authorities and business companies towards a new economy approach focusing on energy efficiency and renewable energy principles.
The Provincial Energy Agency of Cadiz (APEC) is a nonprofit foundation with funding by the Provincial Government of Cádiz.
The Canary Islands Institute of Technology is linked to the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge and Employment of the Canary Islands Regional Government.
EREN, Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León, was founded in 1996 (Law 7/1996) by the regional government and in the framework of the Save Programme.
The Institut Català d’Energia (ICAEN) is a public corporation with its own legal status, set up by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia, and created by the Parliament of Catalonia on the 3rd of May 1991.
Escan is a Spanish consultancy company founded in 1986 that offers technical, economic and financial advice on energy planning, energy efficiency, sustainable energy and smart grids.
The Extremadura Energy Agency is a consortium made up of the Junta de Extremadura through the council with powers in energy and the Provincial Councils of Cáceres and Badajoz.
The Gran Canaria Island Energy Council was created to achieve energy sovereignty on the island with renewable energies as the backbone.
The Agencia Energética Municipal de Valladolid (AEMVA) is an operation unit belonging to the Council of Valladolid. Its main purpose is the optimization and rationalization of energy consumption through the extension of public services provided by the municipality.
The largest regional energy agency in Sweden, Energikontor Syd aims to support and facilitate improvements in energy efficiency and increase the supply of renewable energy sources, through initiatives and activities towards private and public operators.
Mälardalen Energy Agency initiates, co-ordinates and implements projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency and increased supply of renewable energy in all sectors of the society.
Energikontor Norr is located in the most northern part of Sweden and its objectives are to promote the use of renewable energy and work for more effective use of energy.
Energikontor Norra Småland (Energy Agency of Northern Småland) is part of Region Jönköping County.
The Job of the Örebro County Energy Agency is to actuate and inspire the region’s municipalities, entrepreneurs, enterprises, organizations and residents on how to use energy more efficiently and to choose renewable energy.
Energikontor Väst is the regional energy agency of West Sweden and a part of Innovatum Science Park (www.innovatumsciencepark.se).